Mitsubishi Pajero

1982-1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Митсубиси Паджеро
+ 1.1. The instrument panel and control means
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Greasing system
+ 6. The power supply system
+ 7. Release system
+ 8. Fuel system
+ 9. A running part
+ 10. A suspension bracket and a steering
+ 11. Brake system
+ 12. A body
- 13. An electric equipment
   13.1. Detection of malfunctions in electric equipment system
   13.2. Pressure check
   13.3. Short circuit detection
   13.4. Check of reliability of grounding
   13.5. Check of integrity of a chain
   13.6. A finding of not closed chain
   13.7. Safety locks
   13.8. Burnt through crosspieces
   13.9. Automatic switches
   13.10. System of safety SRS (a safety pillow)
   + 13.11. A heater
   + 13.12. The conditioner
   + 13.13. Cruise-control
   + 13.14. An audiosystem
   + 13.15. Cleaners of glasses
   - 13.16. Devices and switches
      13.16.1. A guard of devices / a combination of devices
      13.16.2. A speedometer cable
      13.16.3. Indexes of pressure of oil, fuel and temperature level, the voltmeter
      13.16.4. The printed-circuit board
      13.16.5. A multimeter
      13.16.6. Switches of screen wipers
      13.16.7. The block of switches (a headlight, turn, a glass cleaner)
   + 13.17. Illumination devices
   + 13.18. Accident protection devices of electric chains
+ 14. Electroschemes


13.16. Devices and switches

13.16.1. A guard of devices / a combination of devices


Guard of devices (1987-91)

1. A cover

2. A speedometer cable

3. A guard of devices

Details of a guard of devices and the gauge of speed (1992-98)

1. Заглушка
2. Guard facing
3. A guard of devices
4. An adapter
5. A cable
6. The gauge of speed

Removal and installation

CARS 1983-86

1. Disconnect a cable of a speedometer from a check point.
2. The flat tool cautiously hook and remove a cover of a guard of devices.
3. Turn away screws in the bottom part of a guard and a bolt in the top part.
4. Get a guard and disconnect a speedometer and wire cable.
5. Remove a guard.
6. Installation is carried out upside-down.

CARS 1987-91

1. Disconnect a cable of a speedometer from a check point.
2. The flat tool cautiously hook and remove a cover of a guard of devices.
3. Disconnect a speedometer and wire cable.
4. Turn away screws and get a guard.
5. Installation is carried out upside-down.

CARS 1992-98

1. Disconnect a cable of a speedometer from a check point.
2. The flat tool cautiously hook and remove a cover of a guard of devices.
3. Turn away screws and remove guard facing.
4. Turn away 3 screws and remove a guard.
5. Disconnect wires (except 1992-93).
6. On cars 1992-93 disconnect a speedometer cable on a check point, then submit a cable on itself, turn an adapter, release a clamp and get a cable adapter.
7. On cars 1994-95 remove, for what disconnect from the gauge a wire and turn out the gauge (the gauge will screw in a shaft картера a check point).
8. Installation is carried out upside-down.