Mitsubishi Pajero

1982-1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Митсубиси Паджеро
+ 1.1. The instrument panel and control means
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Greasing system
+ 6. The power supply system
+ 7. Release system
- 8. Fuel system
   - 8.1. Carburettor engines
      8.1.1. The mechanical fuel pump
      + 8.1.2. The carburettor
   + 8.2. Engines with fuel injection
   + 8.3. Diesel engines
+ 9. A running part
+ 10. A suspension bracket and a steering
+ 11. Brake system
+ 12. A body
+ 13. An electric equipment
+ 14. Electroschemes


8. Fuel system

8.1. Carburettor engines

8.1.1. The mechanical fuel pump


The mechanical fuel pump of the engine of 2,0 l

1. From the filter

2. A cam-shaft

3. A pusher

4. The union of a return gasoline pipe line

5. To the carburettor

The mechanical fuel pump of the engine of 2,6 l

1. The union of a return gasoline pipe line

2. To the carburettor

3. From the filter

4. A cam-shaft

It is established on all cars with 4-cylinder engines. The pump is mounted with a side on a head of cylinders. The pump drive is carried out from the clown of a cam-shaft through a pusher or the lever.

Removal and installation
1. Disconnect the battery from weight. Remove the air filter (on a part of cars).
2. Expose the piston of 1st cylinder in ВМТ a compression step. For this purpose turn коленвал clockwise before label combination on a pulley or успокоителе with inflow on the block of cylinders. Remove клапанную a cover and check up springs of valves of 1st cylinder. If both springs or at least one turn коленвал on 1 turn are compressed. If коромысла rock, the piston of 1st cylinder is in ВМТ a compression step.
3. Disconnect fuel hoses.
4. Turn away bolts and remove the pump, the prorate, linings and a pusher.
5. Installation is carried out upside-down. Tighten bolts of the pump with the moment 16 Н.м.

Check on the car

1. Disconnect on the pump a hose from the filter and connect вакууметр.
2. Disconnect a wire of the coil and ask to include the assistant a starter.
3. At each course of the clown in вакууметр should show considerable depression, without sharp jumps. If jumps or small depression the pump replace are observed.

Check of the removed wheel

1. Replace the pump in case of leak of fuel or oil through an aperture in the top part of the case.
2. Check up a condition of an end face of a pusher or a persistent surface of the lever. At detection of deterioration of an end face remove a cover and check up a condition of a surface of the clown of a cam-shaft. In case of strong deterioration of an end face from the pump replace a pusher and the pump.